Rhondas spicy mango chutney

Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.

The differences between an XML sitemap is that is written for the use of the search engine whilst a HTML sitemap is written for the use of humans.

The benefit to an XML sitemap is that it allows a search engine to quickly and easily locate all important pieces of information about a site. The benefit of using a HTML sitemap is that helps human user to manually find a page on a site. Providing a HTML sitemap could provide a better user experience which can then go onto increase site ranking.

The disadvantages of using an XML sitemap is that when a page is assigned by priorities, not only can crawlers access the sitemap, but competitors can view them as well and this could create a surge in competition.

Evaluate three IDE’s (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer.

Atom.io is an IDE that was developed by GitHub, Atom is a hackable text editor that is commonly used by web designers and covers many aspects of coding, from software scripting to web development. The positives of atom include its ease of use and accessible text editor, Atom allows for the installation and usage of packages to enhance and improve the quality of the editor and add more functions such as remote ftp which allows users to edit their live websites. The negatives of atom are that it has an effect on the performance of a pc mainly impacting the ram usage, plugins used in atom may be unreliable with a non-functioning plugin resulting in the loss of work. Atom would suit an entry level trainee as it has a versatile application range and can be used to easily and effectively connect to live websites to edit and improve upon.

Microsoft Visual studio is an IDE that has a variety of helpful tools and features that support software development. The visual studio code has many advantages, this includes its cross platform support, intelli-sense (this is a helpful feature for beginners and even advanced users) and is easy to navigate. The disadvantages of visual studio is its lengthy installation and update times, and it can be costly if users were to buy the professional or enterprise versions. Microsoft Visual Studio would be highly suitable for an entry level trainee as it accommodates for beginners starting to enter the software development field.

Sublime Text 3 is an IDE that is free on Windows, Mac, and linux. Sublime text supports a range of different programming and markup languages, such as, HTML, Javascript and CSS. The advantages of Sublime Text 3 inlcude, Multiple selections, Command palette, instant project switch, and customizable key bindings. The disadvantages of Sublime Text 3 is that its auto detection of working langauge is mostly incorrect, and there is a lack of advanced plugins that you would most likely see in other IDE’s such as Atom.io. Sublime Text 3 doesn’t accomadate well for an entry level trainee with little to no guidance or help from in built tutorial or tool descriptions.

Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.

In 1994 Tim Berners Lee Founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The W3C’s goal was to create standard protocols and technologies to make the web accessible to as much of worlds population as possible. However, the W3C did not and still currently do not enforce their recommendations.

During this time Developers were forced to deal with increaing level s of confusion while creating websites, with developers sometimes having to create two different but effectively duplicate sites for two main browsers.

And as a result of these recommendations being ignored by Microsoft and Netscape, a group of professional web developers and designers called themselves the Web standards project (WaSP). The aim of the WaSP was to call the W3C document standards instead of recommendations, doing so might draw more attention and compliance from Microsoft and netscape.

In 2000 Microsoft released Internet Explorer 5 Mac Edition. The creation of Internet explorer 5 was a very important milestone as this browser reaching a reasonalbe level of support for the W3C recommendations. Due to this compliance with web

What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality.

Functional and non-functional testing:

The test is performed to make sure all functions are working correctly without problems

Performance testing:

This will test the webpages stability, performance, scalability throughout the webpage.

Web UI testing:

Test that the user interface is connected correctly and running without issues.

Security testing:

Tests for data leaks and modifications, as well as testing the functionality of CAPTCHA programs.

Usability testing:

This test is used to be sure that the website comply’s with web standards regarding website accessibility.

Cross Browser testing:

Tests websites browser compatibility on multiple browsers to make certain that the website functions and is displayed consistently without degradation in quality.

What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?

The World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0 (WGAC 2.0) is the endorsed requirements for the Northern Territory Government. Currently not all NTG web content has been able to meet the WCAG 2.0 Level AA compliance. However the NTG aims to have all websites and web content reach this level of compliance.

How do you think it’s best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.

I think its best to organise all the assests of a webpage inside of a root folder, I would place my HTML files within the root folder and not within another sub-folder to easily locate, this also sets up paths to other resourse such as the image and css files. CSS files should all be placed inside of a CSS folder. Images should also have their own folder named images or img. This setup of folders and files would make navigating and editting of a website easier and would help to reduce errors and make it easier link css files and images to html files.